Items filtered by date: May 2019
Trout league makes it ten
Saturday (May 25) saw the completion of the tenth anniversary Inverness Angling Club Winter Trout League at Achagour Fishery. Trout were ultimately plentiful, if slow to take early on, and most anglers finished the day with creditable bags. The Mackintosh family were again genial and generous hosts, laying on a enjoyable lunch. Results were:
Senior winner - Alex Elliott with a bag weight of 44lb 2oz over the eight month league. Prize - Snowbee Spectre fly rod, Snowbee line and IAC trophy. Senior runner-up - Angus MacKinnon, overall bag weight 33lb 1oz. Prize - Snowbee chest pack, Snowbee sun glasses and Snowbee hat. Senior third - Ian Woolley, bag weight 31lb 1oz. Prize - Snowbee line and hat.
Heaviest fish - Alan Scott, 3lb 7oz. Prize - IAC Trophy and £50 voucher from Bellfield Enterprises. Heaviest final day bag - Eric Craig, 9lb 6oz. Prize - £50 voucher from Bellfield Enterprises.
Junior champion - Cheyenne Stronach, bag of 5lb 14oz. Prize - Achagour fishing voucher and day permit for Ness-Side. Junior second - Gordon Stronach, bag of 2lb 6oz. Prize - Achagour fishing voucher and day permit for Ness-Side.
Fine fishers: Winter league competitors in the 2018/2019 final celebrate with host Stewart Mackintosh
(See the Gallery for more pictures)
Doesn’t time fly!
It seems no time at all since club anglers were enjoying themselves at a successful final of the 2018 Trout League. But it’s here again. The 2019 final, open to anglers who signed up for the league from last October, will be staged at Achagour Trout Fishery this coming Saturday (May 25). Once again there will be a range of valuable prizes donated by international tackle company Snowbee, local tackle dealers Grahams, Bellfield Enterprises and Achagour Fishery.
Registration is at 09.00 with fishing starting at 09.30. Entry for the four-fish event is £25, with a £2 discount for pensioners. Once again, Achagour Fishery and the Mackintosh family will host their usual splendid lunch. A raffle will be run on the day in support of junior angler training and other good causes.
Fun fish-off: Happy faces at the 2018 final
Trailer for sale
Inverness Angling Club is offering for sale a boat trailer which has become surplus to requirements following the purchase of a new boat for Loch Ruthven. The price is £150 or near offer. Interested parties should contact club treasurer Gordon Smith on 01463 238197.
A sound bargain: Good wheels for your boat
Poachers caught as bailiffs and police patrol club water
Fishery board bailiffs apprehended two individuals fishing the Red Braes without tickets last night (Wednesday, May 15). Three others were at the General’s Well yesterday and several have been removed from the lower tidal stretch of the river over the last two weeks. It seems they have been targeting kelt sea trout.
Apart from the bailiffs, police have been patrolling the river asking anglers for their permits. Patrols continue so it is a timely reminder that anglers must carry their permits with them at all times. (See Rule 2.2 of the Rules Regulating the River Ness Fishings). It’s been noticed that some anglers, rather than carrying their printed permits, are carrying pictures of them on their mobile phones. Actual permits are required at all times.
Improved mooring for Ruthven boat
IAC has upgraded the mooring arrangement for its boat on Loch Ruthven. It employs a floating system which avoids the need to haul the boat off and on the beach. In normal water levels, wellies are sufficient to wade to the boat and unlock the mooring line. The same key opens the padlock on the oars. Users are asked to return the boat to its mooring after use and ensure that all are securely locked.
The boat should be booked through Grahams Tackle Shop where the key to the padlocks can be collected. Club members can use the boat free of charge. When not booked by members Grahams will hire out the boat to visitors, giving the club some valuable extra income.
Wellies should do: Alex Elliott with the club's Ruthven boat
Walk a mile from Little Isle
Club anglers are advised that the Little Isle area will be busy on the morning of Saturday, May 25. Birchwood Highland are organising a ‘Walk a Mile’ parade down the riverside, starting at the Fishermen’s Car Park by the Little Isle Pool at 11 am and ending in the City Centre. A registration desk will be set up in a small gazebo on the flat grass area adjacent to the car park from 10 am to around 11.30.
A timely tip
This is the time of year when spawned fish are making their way back to the sea where a rich diet will quickly restore their health and strength. While most anglers will immediately think of salmon kelts, spawned sea trout are also making their way downstream. Sadly, too many of these are killed by anglers who don’t realise what they have caught.
The picture below shows an apparently healthy sea trout caught and released on the Mill Stream. But experienced anglers will immediately see that it is a kelt from its very slim appearance, particularly the lack of any belly. Please don’t kill such fish. Back at sea they will quickly put on weight and return to the river as a fully fit, fighting fish.
Slim fish: Clearly, a kelt sea trout - all such fish should be released
Electrifying students
Electro fishing will take place on the Mill Lade this Thursday and Friday, May 9 and 10. Chris Daphne, biologist with the Ness and Beauly Fisheries Trust, will be supervising students as part of their course. As the activity will not be taking place on the main river, it should not disturb anglers in the area.
Trouting success
The club waters may be awaiting their first Springer of the year but trout are delivering some sport on the Weir Pool. Brian King was on the spot today (May 5) to play several well conditioned brownies while another two anglers cast for salmon.
Good fish: Brian with one of his Weir Pool brownies
Boat launched on Ruthven
Inverness Angling Club is now all shipshape with a new boat on the waters of the Loch Ruthven trout loch. The boat, launched today (Monday, May 6) at the club berth at the lower end of the loch near the RSPB car park, is available for use by club members and visitors.
Trout anglers are asked to use the boat responsibly and ensure that it is replaced ‘as found’ and securely tied. A more permanent berthing arrangement will be installed soon. Users must book the boat through Grahams Tackle Shop and collect keys for the padlock to the oars. Club members can use the boat free of charge. When not booked by members Grahams will hire out the boat to visitors, giving the club some valuable extra income.
It floats!: (Left to right) Walter Mackay, John Ralph and Alex Elliott launch the club's new boat on Ruthven